Who is Angel Metatron?
Metatron is the leader of the Seraphims and also referred to as an archangel, the highest of the angels. Call upon Angel Metatron to help transmute negative thoughts and if you are seeking spiritual wisdom. I can see Seraphim angels with my physical eyes. Metatron is one of the Seraphims that I can see with my physical eyes. He is one of my main spirit guide and he is with me to help guide me on my ascension journey. Metatron holds the key to the Akashic records and have shown me many pastlives.
How does Metatron appear in the physical eyes?
Metatron/Seraphims appears to me looking like a white spinning fan, fast moving motion in a circular form. Metatron and Seraphims will also show up in my dreams looking like an animal face with many wings, sometimes I just see wings and sometimes human-like appearance. I've seen white wings, black wings and blue wings. During meditation with Metatron, I would see colors in my mind's eye or third eye. Often violet and sometimes yellow/gold color. Metatron sometimes sends a floral scent (Clairsalience) and sends sweetness taste (Clairgustance) energetically. Another form of connection I use to connect with Metatron is through divination. I use "The Archangel Metatron Self-Mastery Oracle" deck by Amanda Ellis.
Thank you Metatron! I love you!!!
By Sort TokUpdated: June 2022
© 2023 by Sort Tok (Soul Oneness)